
But Judy is not the only celebrity to favour the non-invasive radiofrequency skin tightening treatment. Britain’s Got Talent star, Amanda Holden has also had Morpheus8. Amanda has said that “The results have been absolutely amazing. I’ve noticed a real plumpness to my skin and it’s much tigher!”

The other celebrity who has had the Morpheus8 is Kim Kardashian. She posted a video of herself having the procedure on Instagram. Kim Kardashian had the new Morpheus8 Body for skin tightening of areas such as the tummy, arms and legs.

How does Morpheus8 work?
Morpheus8 is the radiofrequency micro-needling device that delivers heat using 24 pins directly into the skin. The new Morpheus8 Body has 40 pins and the Morpheus8 Prime, for the eye area, has a smaller tip for more intricate areas. The radiofrequency and micro-needling penetrate the skin and fat with variable programmable energy and depth. This helps induce a healing response; stimulate collagen and elastin formation; and, the contract fat and connective tissue.
What happens during the Morpheus8 treatment?
The procedure is performed using local anaesthetic numbing cream which is applied about 30-45 minutes beforehand. This helps makes the skin feel numb and makes the treatment more comfortable. Your treatment provider will then select the appropriate, custom settings for you depending on the area being treated such as the face, eyes or body. Then your provider will apply the handpiece to the treatment area and delivers the radiofrequency. The whole area is treated and some areas may need additional passes. The procedure takes about 30-45 minutes and costs from $850 per session. We usually recommend a course of at least 3 sessions to achieve the best results.
Is there any downtime with Morpheus8?
Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive procedure with very little downtime. Patients will experience some redness following the procedure which may last a couple of days. Initially the skin will feel tight and hot. We usually recommend some post-treatment skincare to help soothe and improve outcomes. Sun protection following the procedure is also important.
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