Sonali Bendre is among the iconic Bollywood actors in the country who enjoys a massive fan following. After a long break from work, as the actor recently made a comeback with her show titled The Broken News on OTT, she garnered immense love and praise from her fans. While shedding on the beauty standards in the industry, Sonali Bendre recently compared it with the ‘90s and revealed that being skinny was not the case then.
Sonali Bendre reflects on the ‘90s beauty standard
According to a recent conversation with Bollywood Bubble, Sonali Bendre stated how being skinny was definitely not the beauty standard and revealed how she was told once that she was not just a woman enough if she wasn’t voluptuous.
“Being skinny was definitely not the standard of beauty, so voluptuousness was the standard of beauty, and I was told you were just not a woman enough if you were not voluptuous, you know which it shouldn’t be. I do agree body shaming should not have any part in our society and especially little girls and the kind of ideas they are growing with and the crazy dieting people are doing. People are forgetting that it is not holistic.”
Furthermore, she even recalled the time she was recovering from cancer and revealed how scared she was to shoot with her scar. Adding to it, she even expressed her dilemma about stepping out of the house without a wig and mentioned how the scariest part was in the beginning when she had a bloated face with scar, baldness and hair fall. She said, “I wanted to do this shoot and I wanted to do it with this scar showing because I was scared to show it. I did not know if I could step out without a wig. But then if you’re afraid of it, crush it right there. I was beginning to what was the scary part was, as you know the bloated face, the scar, and the baldness and especially when the hair just starts coming it’s just the ugliest sight.”
On 4 July 2018, the 47-year-old actor revealed on Twitter that she has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer and was undergoing treatment in a New York City hospital. She returned to India after a five-month treatment in December of the same year.
Image: Instagram/@iamsonalibendre
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