Beauty and the Beast has been a beloved story since its inception, and the transition from animated film to live musical only solidified its place in the hearts of audiences worldwide. In 2023, Belmont University Musical Theatre finally graced its stage with its own interpretation of the classic tale, featuring a talented cast, stunning production design, and expert direction.
Directed by David Shamburger and with musical direction by Nate Strasser, Belmont’s Beauty and the Beast boasted an impressive cast of seasoned performers, including Noah Sowalskie as the Beast, Patrick Dunbar as Gaston, Chamberlin Little as LeFou, and Josh Jordan as Lumiere. Alternating in the role of Belle were Sierra Fermin and Maya Kaempf, both of whom delivered enchanting performances.
Kaempf’s Belle was spirited and independent, bringing the character to life with her confident portrayal, while Sowalskie’s commanding presence as the Beast perfectly captured the essence of the cursed prince. Dunbar portrayed Gaston with just the right amount of arrogance, and Little’s performance as his loyal sidekick LeFou was top-notch.
The supporting cast was equally impressive, with standout performances from Simon Elliott as Belle’s father Maurice, Leah Spurlock as Mrs. Potts, and Simon Strasser as her son Chip. Anna Perry’s choreography was beautifully executed by the ensemble during big musical numbers like “Be Our Guest” and “Gaston,” while Melissa Durmon’s stunning costume design added to the visual feast of the production.
Rich Davis’ lighting design, Christopher Bangos and Ivan Sobek’s audio design, and Mely Berdion and Josh Fermin’s stage management all contributed to the professional and sophisticated feel of the show.
Overall, Belmont University Musical Theatre’s production of Beauty and the Beast was a resounding success, entertaining audiences and instilling a sense of wonder and enchantment in everyone in the theater. With such a talented pool of performers at their disposal, we can only look forward to what they have in store for future productions.