A perfect fit is crucial when it comes to proper dental crown treatment. Crowns are a restorative procedure that can transform your smile even after severe damage or injury. They can make a decayed tooth functional again after root canal therapy. However, the efficacy of the treatment depends on how well the crown fits. You cannot expect good results if it fails to replace the original with a perfect fit. Looking for a dentist who excels in the procedure and ensures the best results is paramount. Here are the signs indicating that you have a perfect dental crown fit.
The first sign is that your bite feels right. A dental crown should feel comfortable and natural, just like any other tooth. Something may be amiss if you experience bite problems after the treatment. You must be vigilant to detect the difference because you may not even feel it at the location of the attachment. In fact, the bite problem may affect the opposite side of your mouth. However, you should not check with your dentist right away. Give yourself a couple of days to wait for the bite to settle in. Visit the specialist if it does not feel comfortable.
The second sign is that food does not get stuck. A clean crown after the meals indicates that it has a perfect fit with no gaps. You must be careful about ensuring this because food getting stuck in the area can feed oral bacteria and cause decay in the neighboring teeth. Moreover, it elevates the risk of gum disease. The crown should feel tight and secure in its place during brushing and flossing. Pay attention and seek help if you notice a problem.
The third sign is that there is no pressure on neighboring teeth. If there is no pressure, your dental crown is in the perfect place. You should seek treatment from a clinic where dental crowns are custom-made, as you will not have to worry about the shape and size of the attachment. The specialist measures your teeth accurately and ensures that the attachment is very close to your neighboring teeth. At the same time, they make sure there is no crowding into the space.
The fourth sign is that you can effortlessly chew. Effortless chewing is another indication of a perfectly-fitted dental crown. You may need some time to chew naturally and normally, but it should happen once your bite settles. Conversely, your teeth have to work harder or chew more if there are fitting issues. It occurs when the crown is not even, and the other teeth compensate by working harder.
Finally, a well-fitted dental crown keeps your gums healthy. Check for signs of healthy gums, and watch out for issues like red, bleeding, or potentially receding gums. Overlooking them is the last thing you should do because the condition can lead to gum infections down the line. You must get help sooner than later with rework on your crown.
In summary, properly fitted dental crowns are crucial for a perfect smile and sound oral health. Spotting the signs to ensure perfect dental crown fit is vital for proper treatment. Make sure to work with a dentist who excels in the procedure and delivers the best results.